Search Results: 58 total

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This item is an official suit statement submitted by Goldschmit to the court in Câmpulung regarding 12 Kronen that Aleksa Dari borrowed and did not pay back. Goldschmit and Dari are both of Ruși-Moldovița

In this letter, Mathias of Straza claims that goods purchased from Moses Ber Mick are of poor quality and he is thus paying 30% less than promised.

This item is a 1938 calendar printed by agricultural equipment company Samuel Rosenberg. The calendar is similar to the one from 1934, but now does not include Jewish holidays, only Orthodox and Catholic (see "Calendar by Lazar Madfes", also in the Documents Collection).

This item is a decision issued by the royal ruler (Rezident Regal) for the district of Suceava forbidding Jews to speak any language other than Romanian in public work spaces and outlining the consequences (loss of citizenship).

This item is a poster publicizing ordinance nr. 4 which forbids printing or distributing brochures or pamphlets having to do with Legionnaires (Iron Guard) as well as forbidding gatherings of Legionnaires.

This item is a calendar for the year 1934 issued by Lazar Madfes agricultural equipment company listing all holidays for Orthodox, Catholic, and Jewish religions.

This item is an invitation printed by the Bukowiner Landsmannschaft announcing a social evening in Vienna to raise money for needy Bukowinas "regardless of nationality or religion". List of Ehrenkomitee (honorary committee) members includes numerous prominent Bukovina citizens.

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