
Finance administration of Alba County


This collection is described in two inventories. The first, inventory 710, contains only seven items, all but one from the communist period. The contents relate primarily to employees of the finance administration. The second inventory, 920, contains many thousands of folders of records of payment and tax calculations for private and public organizations and individuals. The inventory is arranged alphabetically; private individuals (firm owners) and organizations (for example, schools) are listed all together. There are many Jewish names in the inventory and also a number of Jewish or Jewish-related organizations, including: Jewish Council of Romania (Centrala Evreilor din Romania) (Alba Iulia); Beit Izrael Synagogue Council (Comitetul Sinagogei "Beit Izrael") (Alba Iulia); administration of goods expropriated from the Jews (administrația bunurilor expropriate de la evrei) (Aiud); Jewish communities of Aiud, Alba Iulia, Ocna Mureș, Teiuș; Talmud Torah Jewish religious school (școala de religie evreiasca, Talmud Torah) (Alba Iulia). The contents of these folders, however, contain only brief records of salary payments and tax calculations. They may be of interest for researching the employees of the various communities but otherwise there is very little data contained in the forms. Perhaps of equal interest is that each form is stamped with the official stamp of the respective organization and these stamps, for the most part, are today lost. Please note that the collection is catalogued by the National Archives as spanning the years 1908-1950, but the earliest date found in the inventories was 1928 and the vast majority of the folders are from 1938-1950.


Finance administration of Alba County




Textual records


4243 items




The documents were maintained by the Alba county finance administration until being acquired by the National Archives.

Call Number:

Administrația Financiară a Județului Alba; fond 36; inv. 710, 920

Bibliographic Citation:

Administrația Financiară a Județului Alba; fond 36; inv. 710, 920; Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcția Județeana Alba


Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcţia Judeţeană Alba, Alba Iulia, Str. Mihai Viteazu nr. 29, cod 510010, jud. Alba

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