
Chronicle of Romanian Girls School of Rădăuți


This manuscript can be found within the collection of the Rădăuți Girls School Nr. 2. Though not specifically referring to the Jewish population it offers a fascinating reflection of the shifting realities in Rădăuți from the pre-World War I period until the end of the 1930s. Written more as a diary, it records events affecting the school including the breakout of World War I, epidemics, and Romania's unification. There are also pages with the signatures of pupils in each class. It appears to have been attended exclusively by Romanians and thus, if it really was part of school Nr. 2 (and was not miscatalogued), then it must have functioned in some way as a separate body as the other records from this school demonstrate a diverse student body. More likely, it was part of school Nr. 1 and was miscatalogued in the Nr. 2 collection


Aspasia Mihalcean (author)






Approx. 300 pages




This item was created by one of the staff members of the school and presumably held at the school until this collection of records was acquired by the National Archives sometime after World War II.

Call Number:

Școala primară de fete nr. 2 Rădăuți ; număr curent 515 ; fond 316 ; inventar nr. 84 ; dosar nr. 28/1912

Bibliographic Citation:

Școala primară de fete nr. 2 Rădăuți ; număr curent 515 ; fond 316 ; inventar nr. 84; dosar nr. 28/1912 ; Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcția Județeana Suceava


Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcţia Judeţeană Suceava, strada Ştefan cel Mare nr. 33, cod 720003, jud. Suceava Romania

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