This collection contains minutes of meetings, reports, correspondence, speeches, members' biographies and other memos written by or about or sent to the Jewish Democratic Committee of Timișoara and/or Lugoj. There are also documents from Zionist organizations not necessarily related to the committee but related to Jewish life in general. The committee had a wide range of responsibilities, surpassing basic political tasks. There are a total of 26 folders each containing many hundreds of documents. The collection may be of interest to those studying Jewish life in the immediate post-war period and especially those looking at questions of identity.
Jewish Democratic Commitee of Timișoara
Textual records
26 units
Romanian; Hungarian
This material was collected by the National Archives in 1962.
Call Number:
Comitetul Democrat Evreiesc Timișoara; fond nr. 456; inventar 706
Bibliographic Citation:
Comitetul Democrat Evreiesc Timișoara; fond nr. 456; inventar 706; Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcția Județeana Timiș
Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcţia Judeţeană Timiș, Timişoara, str. Andrei Mocioni nr. 8,cod 300038, jud. Timiş