
Girls Elementary School of Rădăuți, Nr. 3


This collection contains record books for the third public elementary school for girls in Rădăuți. There are some gaps in the years and not all class registers exist, but nevertheless it is a fairly comprehensive collection. Prior to World War I it was attended virtually exclusively by German and Jewish girls. For example, the second grade in 1914 consisted of 94 girls, of whom 49 were Catholic, 44 were Jewish and 1 was Protestant. Of these 90 listed German as their mother tongue and 4 listed Polish. In the interwar years the classes are often broken into Romanian and German sections.


Girls Elementary School of Rădăuți, Nr. 3




Register books


308 items


German, Romanian


These records were maintained by the respective school and collected by the Suceava branch of the National Archives at some point in time after World War II and after the restructuring of the school system by the communist regime.

Call Number:

Școala primară de fete nr. 3 Rădăuți ; număr curent 516 ; fond 317 ; inventar nr. 84

Bibliographic Citation:

Școala primară de fete nr. 3 Rădăuți ; număr curent 516 ; fond 317 ; inventar nr. 84; Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcția Județeana Suceava


Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcţia Judeţeană Suceava, strada Ştefan cel Mare nr. 33, cod 720003, jud. Suceava Romania

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