Search Results: 2 total

This collection contains immatriculation registers and grade catalogues for the Aiud Jewish Elementary School. The material is fairly comprehensive from 1921-1936. Such registration catalogues and immatriculation books generally contain biographical data such as birth place and date, parental information including father's occupation, previous schools attended, place of residency and so forth. Please note that JBAT archivists did not survey these registers directly. The languages listed are languages customarily found in such records during this time period and this region.

The collection contains two sets of registers. The first set is the student catalogue books recording biographical details and grades for the years 1913-1924 (with gaps, registers for the following years exist: 1913-1914; 1916-1917; 1920-1921; 1922-1923; 1923-1924). The second set is immatriculation registers for the following years: 1898-1899; 1899-1900; 1909-1910; 1909-1911 [sic]; 1911-1912. Such registration catalogues and immatriculation books generally contain biographical data such as birth place and date, parental information including father's occupation, previous schools attended, place of residency and so forth. Please note that JBAT archivists did not survey these registers directly. The languages listed are languages customarily found in such records during this time period and this region.

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