
Israelite Commerce Lycee of Timișoara


This collection represents a fairly complete set of documents created by the one of the Jewish boys lycees of Timișoara. The collection contains comprehensive immatriculation and grade registers as well as a wide range of administrative material. This includes miscellaneous correspondence with authorities; teaching staff papers; logs of incoming and outgoing correspondence; exams; and graduation certificates. The material is uninterrupted from 1922 through to the schools presumable closure in 1947 in the wake of an education reform. As such it represents a unique perspective on Jewish education and identity in the Banat from the immediate post-WWI period throughout the interwar years and World War II. Unfortunately the inventory created by the National Archives provides no details on the school's background, for example whether it existed prior to 1919 and its relation to the other Jewish schools in Timișoara.


Israelite Commerce Lycee of Timișoara




Textual records


116 units


German; Hungarian; Romanian


These documents were maintained by the respective school until being acquired by the National Archives during the post-war period.

Call Number:

Liceul Comercial Izraelit Timișoara; fond nr. 35; inventar 29

Bibliographic Citation:

Liceul Comercial Izraelit Timișoara; fond nr. 35; inventar 29; Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcția Județeana Timiș


Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcţia Judeţeană Timiș, Timişoara, str. Andrei Mocioni nr. 8,cod 300038, jud. Timiş

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