This collection contains numerous statutes from a wide array of organizations and establishments in the county of Timiș. Of interest to those researching Jewish history are folders five and six. Folder five contains, in addition to other statutes, the statutes of the Jewish Women's Charity Society of Caransebeș (Reuniunea de binefacere a femeilor evreești din Caransebeș). These specific statutes were approved in 1931; the society was founded in 1884. The statutes are nine pages long and typed in Romanian. Folder six contains the statutes for two organizations: The Chevra Kadisha society of Reșița (copy of statutes from 1916) and the Chevra Kadisha society of Caransebeș (copy of statutes from 1928). Both are typed and in Romanian.
National Archives, Timiș County Branch
Textual records
.28 linear meters (37 units)
German; Hungarian; Romanian; Serbian
According to the preface of the inventory created by the National Archives, these statutes were found during an reorganisation of the repository. Most likely they were originally part of police documents. They were first included în the "Documents Collection" but since it was difficult to locate them within the collection, they were removed and a new collection comprised exclusively of statutes was created in 2005.
Call Number:
Colecția de Statute; fond nr. 1089; inventar 1610
Bibliographic Citation:
Colecția de Statute; fond nr. 1089; inventar 1610; Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcția Județeana Timiș
Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcţia Judeţeană Timiș, Timişoara, str. Andrei Mocioni nr. 8,cod 300038, jud. Timiş