
Alba Iulia (Hung: Gyulafehérvár): Israelite community; assorted records 1875, 1886


This folder contains several separate items in random order. The following description is given in chronological order, but items are not chronological in the folder. There are several handwritten sheets recording, in German, births, marriages, and deaths in the Jewish community of Alba Iulia in 1875. There are also two loose, handwritten leaves of paper stating there was one marriage and no deaths in 1885 in Alvincz. Then, there are printed logs of births, marriages, and deaths in 1886 with handwritten entries. For each event (birth, marriage or death), there are two set of logs, one for the town of Alba Iulia, one for the region around Alba Iulia. These are in Hungarian. Due to the range of recording methods, the biographical information in the forms is inconsistent. In general though, birth dates and place, parent information, and details of the respective event are recorded.


Jewish community of Alba Iulia


1875; 1886


Textual records


42 sheets


German; Hungarian


These registers were maintained by the respective Jewish community and/or local municipality and collected in the 1950s by the National Archives.

Call Number:

Colecția: Registre de stare civilă de la parohi, jud. Alba; fond nr. 17; inv. 328; cotă 255

Bibliographic Citation:

Colecția: Registre de stare civilă de la parohi, jud. Alba; fond nr. 17; inv. 328; cotă 255; Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcția Județeana Alba


Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcţia Judeţeană Alba, Alba Iulia, Str. Mihai Viteazu nr. 29, cod 510010, jud. Alba

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