Correspondence, telegrams […] to increase number of police combatting the strikers at the Leibovici lumber factory
This folder appears to be misleadingly titled. It contains a wide variety of civic records; of particular interest is a list of tradesmen, merchants, and industrialists including the name and address of their business (sheet 20), as well as a proposal for regulations for the slaughtering animals and the transport of meat products, which would take into account Jewish religious law (sheet 200).
These papers were maintained by the respective institute until the communist period during which they were acquired and processed by the Suceava branch o the National Archives.
Call Number:
Primaria orașului Gura Humorului; număr curent 421; fond 48; inventar 134; dosar 135/1932
Bibliographic Citation:
Primaria orașului Gura Humorului; număr curent 421; fond 48; inventar 134; dosar 135/1932; Arhivele Naționale ale României; Direcţia Judeţeană Suceava
Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcţia Judeţeană Suceava, strada Ştefan cel Mare nr. 33, cod 720003, jud. Suceava Romania