This school had some Jewish students, though proportionately the reform school had more. According to the preface in the National Archives inventory for this collection, this school was opened in 1836. It remained small (with 1-2 teachers) until the second half of the 19th century when it was able to construct its own building. By this time it had classes for both boys and girls. The majority of the material is in Hungarian; beginning in the post-Trianon period some of the material is also in Romanian. Most of the items are class register books with data on the pupils' backgrounds, grades, absences, and so forth and most registers date from the 20th century, though there are 15-20 items from the 19th century. Student register books will contain birth date and place of the pupil and information on the parents' occupations, mother tongue, nationality, and religion. The school was closed in 1948 in the wake of the restructuring of the Romanian school system under communism.
Roman-Catholic elementary school of Reghin
Textual records
1 linear meter (95 items)
Hungarian, Romanian
Call Number:
Școala primară confesională Roman-Catolică Reghin; fond nr. 1221; inventar nr. 1471
Bibliographic Citation:
Școala primară confesională Roman-Catolică Reghin; fond nr. 1221; inventar nr. 1471; Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcția Județeana Mureș
Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcţia Judeţeană Mureș, Târgu-Mureş, Str. Crizantemelor, Nr. 8, cod 540073, jud. Mureş