
Alba Iulia (Hung: Gyulafehérvár) Israelite community; births 1886-1938

Alternative Title:


This register recorded births in the Jewish community of Alba Iulia. The book is primarily in Hungarian with some Hebrew dates and names provided. Entries after World War I are sometimes in Romanian. Name; date; gender; parents; marital status of parents; parent residence; midwife name; circumcision or naming ceremony details and name of witnesses or godparents are provided. The birth of Hungarian-language author Bernat Klärmann (Benő Karácsonyi) is recorded in this book on sheet 14.


Jewish community of Alba Iulia




Textual records


184 sheets


Hungarian; Hebrew; Romanian


These registers were maintained by the respective Jewish community and/or local municipality and collected in the 1950s by the National Archives.

Call Number:

Colecția: Registre de stare civilă de la parohi, jud. Alba; fond nr. 17; inv. 328; cotă 248

Bibliographic Citation:

Colecția: Registre de stare civilă de la parohi, jud. Alba; fond nr. 17; inv. 328; cotă 248; Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcția Județeana Alba


Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcţia Judeţeană Alba, Alba Iulia, Str. Mihai Viteazu nr. 29, cod 510010, jud. Alba

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