
Târnăveni Town Hall: Requisition of Bedding from Jews [incorrect title]-1941


Contrary to the title of this folder, the contents relate entirely to forced labor measures for the Jews of the town of Târnăveni and surrounding region. Included are lists of men and boys required to do forced labor (lists include name, age, address), official announcement regarding the forced labor times and requirements, petitions for the cancellation of forced labor requirement for certain individuals, reports on the progress of the work undertaken by the forced laborers, reports on absences amongst the workers, instructions regarding treatment of the forced laborers (from the county authorities), correspondence regarding whether the Jews will be forced to work on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur or not, a petition regarding an individual who had converted from Judaism to Reform (Protestant) to be excluded from the forced labor.


Târnăveni Town Hall



Is Part Of:


Textual records


53 pages




The collection was maintained by the Târnăveni Town hall until the 1970s, when it was acquired by the national archives.

Call Number:

Primăria Orașului Târnăveni; fond 634; inventar nr. 732; dosar 157/A

Bibliographic Citation:

Primăria Orașului Târnăveni; fond 634; inventar nr. 732; dosar 157/A; Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcția Județeana Mureș


Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcţia Judeţeană Mureș, Târgu-Mureş, Str. Crizantemelor, Nr. 8, cod 540073, jud. Mureş 

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