Files regarding the automobiles of the firm Charas and Brotman
This file contains various documents and correspondence pertaining to the permits and licenses issued to the owners and employees of the Jewish lumber firm Froim Charas și Leon Brotman for automobiles.
The records were maintained by the respective institution until the communist period, during which they were acquired and processed by the National Archives at an unknown date.
Call Number:
Poliția Orașului Fălticeni; număr curent 224; fond 374; inventar 142; dosar 7/1925
Bibliographic Citation:
Poliția Orașului Fălticeni; număr curent 224; fond 374; inventar 142; dosar 7/1925; Arhivele Naționale ale României; Direcţia Judeţeană Suceava
Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcţia Judeţeană Suceava, strada Ştefan cel Mare nr. 33, cod 720003, jud. Suceava Romania