
Bezidul Nou, Jewish: births, marriages, deaths-1885-1894


This register contains births, marriages, and deaths for the Bezidu Nou Jewish community from 1885-1894. The book is primarily recorded in Hungarian. Information recorded is standard for these registers: details on parents, birthdates and places, occupation, death circumstances and date, and information regarding the officiants at circumcisions, weddings, and burials. Please note that Bezidu Nou and several villages nearby were the center of the Szekely Sabbatarian movement and many or even most of the names in this book are presumably from Szekely Sabbatarian families.


Jewish Community of Bezidu Nou



See Also:

Other civil records from Sângeorgiu de Pădure




83 sheets




Apparently, these series of registers ("dublete" in Romanian) were created at the behest of the imperial authorities who wanted additional records of births, marriages, and deaths, throughout the region. It appears, however, that the orders to report these events were not always carried out comprehensively or perhaps some of the reports were lost over time.

Call Number:

Colecția registrelor confesionale de stare civilă-Dublete ; fond nr. 1 ; Dublete, nr. 126

Bibliographic Citation:

Colecția registrelor confesionale de stare civilă - Dublete, jud. Mureș ; fond nr. 1 ; inventar nr. 1 ; Dublete, nr. 126 ; Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcția Județeana Mureș


Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcţia Judeţeană Mureș, Târgu-Mureş, Str. Crizantemelor, Nr. 8, cod 540073, jud. Mureş 

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