This school, though small and in an unassuming locality, had a significant Jewish student population. Records survive only from 1918-1926 but these include class registers in which are recorded the pupils' birthdate and place, parent occupation, nationality, and religion.
Roman-Catholic elementary school of Deda-Bistra
Textual records
.05 linear meters (6 items)
Hungarian, Romanian
According to the preface in the inventory created by the Târgu Mureș National Archives, the materials for this school were stored together with the materials for the Reghin Roman-Catholic elementary school. There is no indication as to when the materials were transferred to the National Archives, but the collection was processed and made public in 2010, so presumably the transfer happened recently.
Call Number:
Școala primară confesională Roman-Catolică Deda-Bistra; fond nr. 1223; inventar nr. 1472
Bibliographic Citation:
Școala primară confesională Roman-Catolică Deda-Bistra fond nr. 1223; inventar nr. 1472; Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcția Județeana Mureș
Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcţia Judeţeană Mureș, Târgu-Mureş, Str. Crizantemelor, Nr. 8, cod 540073, jud. Mureş