
Protestant elementary school of Reghin


This collection has only one item, a folder of correspondence and miscellaneous written material, for the most part from or to the school director. There are several hundreds pages and included is a chart of the ethnic and religious breakdown of the students in 1892. According to the chart, approximately 10% of the student body was Jewish, though overwhelmingly female.


Protestant elementary school of Reghin




Textual records


.05 linear meters (1 folder)


German, Hungarian


Presumably this collection (only one item) was maintained by the school until the 1950s when it was transferred to the Târgu Mureș National Archives. It was processed in 1965. It is not clear why there is only one item or what happened to the class registers and other material from the school.

Call Number:

Grădinița evanghelică CA de copii Reghin; fond nr. 215; inventar nr. 183

Bibliographic Citation:

Grădinița evanghelică CA de copii Reghin; fond nr. 215; inventar nr. 183; Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcția Județeana Mureș


Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcţia Judeţeană Mureș, Târgu-Mureş, Str. Crizantemelor, Nr. 8, cod 540073, jud. Mureş 

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