This collection consists of general correspondence and paperwork regarding daily business, payroll, and staffing matters, as well a number of reports and statistics on crimes in the jurisdiction. Since the collection covers the period from the early 1930s through the late 1940s, a number of materials pertain to matters such as surveillance of radical political groups, both on the left and right (including some Zionist groups), illegal border crossings, espionage, instructions for applying the terms of the armistice, purging of the staff after the war, and problems arising from repatriated and displaced groups during and after the war.
Legion of Gendarmes of Rădăuți
Textual records
46 units
The collection was maintained by the respective creator and acquired by the National Archives in the post-World War II period.
Call Number:
Legiunea de Jandarmi Rădăuți; număr curent 144; fond 378; inventăr 146
Bibliographic Citation:
Legiunea de Jandarmi Rădăuți; număr curent 144; fond 378; inventăr 146; Arhivele Naționale ale României; Direcţia Judeţeană Suceava
Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcţia Judeţeană Suceava, strada Ştefan cel Mare nr. 33, cod 720003, jud. Suceava Romania