
Falticeni School of Commercial Media Technology


From the register book of 1923-1926, it appears that the majority of the students attending this school were Jewish. The registry records a student's name, birth date and place, parents' names, nationalities, and religion, elementary school attended by the student, whether and when they received vaccinations, town of residence, and grades. The collection contains such class register books for most years, as well as files pertaining to the school staff, reports and minutes of school inspections, and other related correspondence and statistical charts.


Falticeni School of Commercial Media Technology




Register books and files


93 items




These records were maintained by the respective school and collected by the Suceava branch of the National Archives at some point in time after World War II and after the restructuring of the school system by the communist regime.

Call Number:

Școala medie tehnică de Comerț Fălticeni ; număr curent 476 ; fond 396 ; inventar nr. 171

Bibliographic Citation:

Școala medie tehnică de Comerț Fălticeni ; număr curent 476 ; fond 396 ; inventar nr. 171; Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcția Județeana Suceava


Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcţia Judeţeană Suceava, strada Ştefan cel Mare nr. 33, cod 720003, jud. Suceava Romania

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