The headings in this register book are in Hungarian, entries are initially in German and later in Hungarian. Information recorded includes name of child, names of parents, residence, date of birth, sex, legitimate or illigitimate, midwife name, mohel name and date of circumcision or name-giving (in the case of a girl), names of witnesses or godparents. Sometimes date and circumstances of death are also included. At the end of the register book are loose leaves including individual birth certificates and other related material. There is also a typed letter (in German) from the Constanta Jewish Community thanking the Brasov Orthodox Community for its donation in support of refugees (date 1941). Due to state archival regulations, later birth entries may not be accessed. At the time of this survey, births until 1913 were accessible. The register itself apparently records births until 1939 (could not be verified); the loose leaves of paper date into the 1940s.
25 sheets + undetermined number inaccessible + loose leaves
German, Hungarian, Romanian
The civil register books were normally maintained by the respective parish authorities of each town or village. At some point in time in the post-World War II period these records were collected by the National Archives.
Call Number:
Colecția de registre confesionale și de stare civilă, jud. Brașov ; număr curent I 217 ; fond 259 ; inventar nr. 68 ; cotă 1-00155
Bibliographic Citation:
Colecția de registre confesionale și de stare civilă, jud. Brașov ; număr curent I 217 ; fond 259 ; inventar nr. 68 ; cotă 1-00155 ; Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcția Județeana Brașov
Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcţia Judeţeană Brașov, Str. Gh. Bariţiu 34, Braşov, cod 500025, jud. Braşov