
Gherla (Hung: Szamosújvár), Israelites: births 1831-1885


This register records births for Jews living in the villages south of the town of Gherla (Hung: Szamosújvár) and, less frequently, in the town of Gherla itself. Both headings and entries are in German, though some notes in Hungarian were added at later points in time. The register was kept relatively well with all data completed in most instances. Name, date, gender, parents, marital status of parents, parent residence, midwife name, circumcision or naming ceremony details and name of witnesses or godparents are provided. Entries were made chronologically at some points and by family at other points. Villages that appear with some frequency are Iclod (Hu: Nagyiklód), Răscruci (Hu: Válaszút), Silivaș (Hu: Szilvás), Sic (Hu: Szék), Bonțida (Hu: Bonchida).


Gherla Jewish Community




Textual records


10 written sheets




These registers were maintained by the respective Jewish community and/or local municipality and collected in the 1950s by the National Archives.

Call Number:

Colecția matricole parohiale de stare civilă, jud. Cluj; fond nr. 42; cotă 114/15

Bibliographic Citation:

Colecția matricole parohiale de stare civilă, jud. Cluj; fond nr. 42; cotă 114/15; Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcția Județeana Cluj


Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcţia Judeţeană Cluj, Cluj-Napoca, Str. Mihail Kogălniceanu nr. 10, cod 400084, jud. Cluj

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