This book records births that took place in the town of Timișoara from 1871 to 1886, primarily in the Iosefin/Josefstadt/Józsefváros quarter. Entries are generally comprehensively completed; they record the names of the child and parents, often including mother's maiden name; the birth date and place; gender; whether the birth was legitimate; information on circumcisions; midwives; and names of witnesses (to the circumcision or name-giving) or godparents. The book is printed and recorded in German. Addenda are in Hungarian and Romanian.
These registers were maintained by the respective Jewish community and/or local municipality and collected in the 1950s by the National Archives.
Access Rights:
At the time of the survey (2016) entries later than 1915 were inaccessible to researchers, unless proof of relation is provided.
Call Number:
Colecția registre de stare civilă, jud. Timiș; fond nr. 4; inventar 1194; Comunitatea izraelită, Timișoara-Iosefin, nr. 1
Bibliographic Citation:
Colecția registre de stare civilă, jud. Timiș; fond nr. 4; inventar 1194; Comunitatea izraelită, Timișoara-Iosefin, nr. 1; Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcția Județeana Timiș
Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcţia Judeţeană Timiș, Timişoara, str. Andrei Mocioni nr. 8,cod 300038, jud. Timiş