
Blaj [Valea Lungă (Hung: Hosszúaszó; German: Langenthal)]: Jewish community; deaths 1886-1903

Alternative Title:

Halálozási Anyakönyv


This register was maintained by the Valea Lungă Jewish community (Hung: Hosszúaszó; German: Langenthal) and records deahs taking place in the region. Please note it is miscatalogued as from the Blaj community, but the contents make clear the book was maintained in Valea Lungă. It was probably taken to Blaj sometime in the first half of the 20th century or possibly as late as World War II. The book, both titles and entries, is in Hungarian. The deceased lived in Valea Lungă and other neighboring villages such as Jidvei (Zsidve), Tătârlaua (Tatárlaka), Biia (Magyarbénye), Sânmiclăuş (Betlenszentmiklós), Pănade (Panád), Valea Sasului (Szászvölgy), Sâncel (Szancsal), Micăsasa (Mikeszásza) and others. The entries are fairly complete and include name and birth information of the deceased; occupation; age; date, place, and circumstances of death; place, date, and officiant of the burial ceremony; names of surviving relatives is recorded.


Jewish community of Valea Lungă



See Also:

Collection entitled Office of Israelite Matriculation for the district of Valea Lungă (Oficiul Matricular Israelit Cercual din Valea Lungă) and other records catalogued under Blaj, but actually from Valea Lungă.


Textual records


9 sheets




These registers were maintained by the respective Jewish community and/or local municipality and collected in the 1950s by the National Archives.

Call Number:

Colecția: Registre de stare civilă de la parohi, jud. Alba; fond nr. 17; inv. 328; cotă 640

Bibliographic Citation:

Colecția: Registre de stare civilă de la parohi, jud. Alba; fond nr. 17; inv. 328; cotă 640; Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcția Județeana Alba


Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcţia Judeţeană Alba, Alba Iulia, Str. Mihai Viteazu nr. 29, cod 510010, jud. Alba

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