
Police of the Town of Gura Humorului


This collection contains papers and correspondence relating to the administration of the police (staffing, payroll, budget), as well as a number of materials regarding community events and surveillance of citizens. Of particular interest are lists of tradesmen present in the municipality, many of whom were Jewish, and requests by individuals and organizations for permits for social and cultural events, including many events hosted by Jewish cultural organizations. There is also a substantial amount of material regarding press censorship and surveillance of political groups, including Zionist groups. For details on the items mentioned above, please click on any link below.


Police of the Town of Gura Humorului




Textual records


1.7 linear meters; 110 units




The records were maintained by the respective institution until the communist period, during which they were acquired and processed by the National Archives at an unknown date.

Call Number:

Poliția Orașului Gura Humorului; număr curent 225; fond 371; inventar 139

Bibliographic Citation:

Poliția Orașului Gura Humorului; număr curent 225; fond 371; inventar 139; Arhivele Naționale ale României; Direcţia Judeţeană Suceava


Arhivele Naționale ale României, Direcţia Judeţeană Suceava, strada Ştefan cel Mare nr. 33, cod 720003, jud. Suceava Romania

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